Sunday, March 8, 2015

Two Amazing Things

Two amazing things happened today! Now to the naked, untrained eye they may not seem terribly amazing, but trust me, for this household they are pretty damn fantastic.

First, my husband and my bedroom is CLEAN!!! Yup, vacuumed and dusted. It has been a long, long, long time since I have thoroughly cleaned our bedroom. It was so bad that I actually had to vacuum the walls--that's right the walls! There was so much dog fur from my 2 four legged babies that I could have made a couple new dogs!

Since I had kids my priorities on cleanliness have changed. My top priority is to keep the main room that we play in and the kitchen clean. Other than those two--it gets done when it is so bad I can't stand it anymore! Luckily the girls pretty much just sleep in their rooms and the dogs rarely go it them so other than changing a crib sheet, they can go for awhile without a good cleaning (thank goodness!!). Our room on the other hand has two dogs sleeping on the floor (or in the bed) every night---and man do they shed! My excuse is that my husband and  I are the only ones who ever really go in there so if we can handle it we are good to go! Today was the day neither of us could take it anymore. So now our room officially smells like Carpet Fresh and Lemon Pledge! It is glorious!

The second amazing thing that happened today--we spent an entire afternoon with NO TV!! I struggle quite a bit with the thought that my kids watch too much TV. I try to turn it off and play music for a stretch of time everyday, but other than that the TV is on. It isn't always a kid program, sometimes my husband watches sports or The Daily Show, and I have been known to watch Ellen in the afternoons, but it is still on. The kids are pretty active the entire day playing and don't just sit and watch it so I am able to justify it for now, but I do love the days when it is not on at all! It was such a beautiful day today we went to the park (which only lasted about 15 minutes), we went on the swings in our backyard, blew some bubbles, and then took a nice long stroll up and down our street. It was absolutely wonderful and made me so happy.

I don't know how often we are going to have days like this, but I will take them as I get them.  I am pretty sure we will continue to watch TV tomorrow and I will continue to question my parenting, but isn't that pretty much all parenting is anyway? Questioning your decisions and second guessing yourself? I know I do plenty of that. I try to remind myself that the important thing is that my kids are loved and even more importantly that they feel loved.  And I know for sure they are loved and I am pretty sure with all the hugging, kissing, and snuggling that I give them they know they are too.

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