I am sitting here watching TV with my husband and I am not able to concentrate on anything but the cupcakes and ice cream in the kitchen. Yesterday was my baby girl's 1st Birthday and I made 48 cupcakes for a party with maybe 15 people! Even after giving away what I could we have about 10 left. I ate 2 yesterday and I am struggling big time not eating one today. It is killing me. My anxiety level is off the charts.
Why the hell does food have this power over me? Will it ever get easier?
Sadly I don't think it will. I will always struggle with food and my weight. It is just the way it is. I have come to terms with that for the most part, but some days are certainly more difficult than others. Today is definitely a difficult one. I want to be able to eat what I want, but that is just not in the cards for me.
I have been doing pretty well with my diet even with the struggles. I am down 25 pounds which is exciting! I am a starting to plateau a bit so exercise is going to have to start to play a bigger role. I am going to have to find time (and energy) somehow to get it done. After having kids I have a whole new set of trouble areas to work on. I am going to start with yoga and walking/running. It is all about routine. If I push myself to do it for a couple of weeks it will become easier--just have to get to that point!
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